"Ghost Walk" by Cassandra Gannon is a thrilling romance that crosses the boundaries of time and life itself. Grace Rivera is a pragmatic crime scene investigator, dedicated to her job and firmly rooted in the world of science. But when she starts seeing the ghost of a man hanged centuries ago, her world is turned upside down. Now, she's the only person who can help Captain James Riordan—a Revolutionary War-era pirate—clear his name. The only problem? She’s falling in love with him.
Captain James Riordan has spent over two centuries haunting the streets of Harrisonburg, Virginia, searching for a way to prove his innocence. His wrongful hanging for murder on July 4th, 1789, left him trapped between worlds. But in Grace, he finds the first living person who can see and communicate with him. As they unravel the mystery of his unjust death, the undeniable connection between them grows stronger. Grace, torn between logic and the unexplainable, finds herself irresistibly drawn to the dashing pirate.
Time is running out for both Grace and Jamie. As they dig deeper into the past, uncovering secrets and lies, they find themselves in a race against time—and history itself. Risking her career and her life, Grace must help Jamie find the real murderer, all while battling her own feelings for a man who isn’t supposed to exist. Can love transcend time, or will they be doomed to forever walk separate paths?
Perfect for readers who enjoy a blend of paranormal intrigue, historical romance, and thrilling mystery, "Ghost Walk" offers a captivating love story that defies the boundaries of time and life. With the sparks flying between Grace and her ghostly lover, fans of magic romance, time travel romance, and heart-stopping suspense will be hooked from the very first page. This standalone novel with its haunting love story is a must-read for anyone looking to be swept away by romance with a supernatural twist.