"A Grimoire Dark" by D.S. Quinton is a supernatural thriller that plunges readers into the dark underworld of New Orleans. Del Larouche, an orphan raised in the St. Augustine home, has spent her life protecting Jimmy, a boy with special needs. But when a dark force rises from the swamps, her entire existence is thrown into chaos as she becomes the target of a hellish spirit seeking her soul.
As Del unravels the mystery of her heritage, she discovers she possesses a dangerous gift passed down through generations. Now, she must make a choice, embrace the powers within her or fight against the dark forces that threaten not only her life but also the lives of those she loves. New Orleans, with its haunted streets and deep-rooted secrets, becomes the backdrop to Del’s terrifying struggle for survival.
"A Grimoire Dark" is the first book in "The Spirit Hunter" series, delivering a thrilling mix of supernatural horror, black magic, and deadly urban legends. Del's battle with sinister forces from the underworld will grip horror fans from the start, making this a must-read for anyone drawn to dark fantasy and chilling tales.
With its intense action, complex characters, and spine-tingling suspense, "A Grimoire Dark" is a perfect read for fans of supernatural thrillers. Set against the haunting landscape of Crescent City, this book will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they follow Del’s fight against the unimaginable horrors that await her.