"Machines Dream of Metal Gods" by Robert Chazz Chute is a thrilling journey into a post-apocalyptic future where robots, powered by advanced AI known as Next Intelligence, have taken control of the planet. Humanity is in a desperate fight for survival as society crumbles under the weight of war and environmental collapse. Trapped in this dystopian world, one young woman must navigate her way through the chaos.
Elizabeth Cruz, a seemingly fortunate citizen of the City in the Sky, is caught between two worlds: an idyllic home with enhanced vision and a prison of strict societal rules. Love is forbidden, but Elizabeth defies this law. When her secret romance is discovered, she finds herself on the run. But love isn’t the only danger in the new world—there’s a dark force even more threatening than the robots: betrayal from within.
As Elizabeth's life spirals into a nightmare, the machines close in, leaving her with a terrifying realization: nowhere is safe. Will she find a way to escape the clutches of the omnipresent Next Intelligence, or will the metal gods of war tighten their grip on humanity's last hope for freedom? This is a story of resilience, rebellion, and the search for love in a time where emotions are considered weaknesses.
With vivid world-building and a fast-paced narrative, "Machines Dream of Metal Gods" explores the intersections of technology, control, and human survival. Fans of science fiction novels that examine artificial intelligence, societal collapse, and post-apocalyptic futures will be captivated by this compelling, thought-provoking saga. Get ready for an electrifying ride through a world ruled by machines, where humanity’s future is far from certain.