"Murder Among the Roses" by Liz Fielding is a cozy murder mystery set in the charming village of Maybridge. Abby Finch, a busy mother of three and an expert gardener, never expected her quiet life to be interrupted by a gruesome discovery in her own backyard. When the bones of a baby are found buried beneath her soon-to-be ex-husband's rose bush, Abby’s world turns upside down, and she becomes entangled in a mystery she never saw coming.
Just two days later, Abby stumbles upon a second shocking discovery: her ex-husband, Howard, lying dead in the very same rose garden, his throat slashed with her garden spade. With Howard’s new girlfriend by his side, Abby becomes the prime suspect in the investigation. As the police close in, Abby must dig deep into her past and uncover secrets that have long been buried.
As Abby fights to prove her innocence, she must also protect her children and unearth the real culprit before she becomes the next victim. In a small village filled with secrets, anyone could be hiding the truth. Could it be Howard’s new lover? Or is there someone else with a deadly motive lurking in the shadows?
Fans of cozy mysteries, British village settings, and clever plots will love this gripping and twisty tale. "Murder Among the Roses" offers plenty of red herrings, an intriguing cast of characters, and a shocking conclusion that will leave readers guessing until the very last page.