"The Osiris Killings" by Jeff Carleton is an electrifying crime thriller that introduces Detective Jen Holloway, a smart, determined investigator trying to prove her worth in the Atlanta Homicide Department. What starts as the seemingly simple murder of a prostitute spirals into a high-stakes investigation when ancient Egyptian symbols are found on the victim’s body, drawing Holloway into a much larger, darker conspiracy.
Teaming up with a charming professor of Egyptology, Holloway dives deep into the world of ancient rituals to uncover the truth behind the murder. As her professional relationship with the professor turns complicated, Holloway must tread carefully to keep her focus on solving the case while resisting his overwhelming charm. The investigation takes twists and turns as more secrets unravel, pushing her closer to danger.
With department politics hindering her every move, Holloway must rely on her instincts to outsmart a killer who is always one step ahead. Each clue reveals a new layer of deceit, but the real challenge is keeping her emotions in check as the pressure mounts. The combination of ancient mystery and modern-day crime creates a suspenseful blend that keeps readers hooked from the first page.
Perfect for fans of police procedurals and psychological thrillers, "The Osiris Killings" delivers suspense, intrigue, and a gripping plot. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as Holloway races against time to stop a killer before she becomes the next victim. Will she solve the case in time, or will this investigation mark the end of her promising career?