"Taking Wing" by Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels takes Star Trek fans on an epic adventure aboard the USS Titan. After years of conflict with formidable foes like the Borg and the Dominion, the Federation of Planets is on the cusp of a new era. With William Riker at the helm, the Titan's mission is to lead the way in peaceful exploration and diplomacy. However, with a crew as diverse as its mission, this journey into the unknown won't be without challenges.
As the Titan sets out on its first voyage, the crew must contend with a galaxy on the brink of chaos. The aftermath of Praetor Shinzon's death has left the Romulan Empire in turmoil, and the fragile balance of power threatens to unravel. Starfleet's goal of promoting peace and cooperation hangs in the balance, as new and old adversaries alike seek to exploit the instability for their own gain.
Captain Riker faces mounting pressure to navigate the political minefield of Romulan factions, with time running out to prevent an all-out war. The Titan's mission to broker peace is delayed as the Romulan Star Empire fractures, and rival factions vie for control. The stakes have never been higher, and failure could mean the collapse of everything the Federation stands for.
With a crew of Starfleet’s finest and a mission that could determine the fate of the Federation, the USS Titan sets out on an extraordinary maiden voyage that will test their courage, unity, and resolve. Fans of the series will find themselves immersed in this thrilling continuation of the Star Trek universe, as Riker and his crew take on one of the most perilous assignments in Starfleet history.