"The Inmate" by Freida McFadden is a gripping psychological thriller set in the dark and dangerous world of a maximum-security prison. Brooke Sullivan, a new nurse practitioner at the facility, is bound by strict rules: treat all prisoners with respect, never reveal personal information, and most importantly, never become too friendly with the inmates. But Brooke has already crossed the line, hiding a shocking secret from the staff.
Years ago, Brooke's testimony helped put Shane Nelson, her high school sweetheart, behind bars for a series of brutal murders. Now, Shane is one of the prison's most dangerous inmates, and he knows exactly who Brooke is—and what she did. As tensions rise and past secrets resurface, Brooke finds herself walking a dangerous tightrope between duty and her haunting past.
With Shane’s chilling presence and the shadow of their shared history looming over her, Brooke must navigate the treacherous dynamics of the prison, where every interaction could be her last. As she struggles to maintain her professionalism, she begins to suspect that Shane’s thirst for revenge hasn’t faded. Is she in more danger than she realizes?
This fast-paced thriller is perfect for fans of psychological suspense, crime novels, and mystery. "The Inmate" takes readers on a twisted journey filled with secrets, betrayal, and a ticking clock to uncover the truth. Will Brooke survive the nightmare that has returned to haunt her, or will Shane exact his revenge once and for all?